In the time of Paul, Corinth was a very diverse place. There were a large amount of people drawn to Corinth with the hope of creating better lives for themselves. The Corinthian marketplace was constantly growing because of the people who were migrating to the city.
The Pauline epistles represent perhaps the most influential and powerfully-written body of literature in the Christian tradition. In them, we witness Paul’s correspondence, his pastoral heart, his theological musings, and his affirmation of the grace of God.
The books of First Timothy, Second Timothy and Titus are frequently referred to as the Pastoral Epistles. The reason for this title is that the letters that Paul wrote in these 3 books were written to Timothy and Titus, two of his previous colleagues and apprentices as they had questions.
James, 1 & 2 Peter, Jude, Revelation is prefaced by a substantial introduction that offers historical background important for understanding. Then readers are taken through the text, passage-by-passage, starting with the text of the New Living Translation.
In The China Inland Mission: A Biographical History, the former OMF missionary G. Wright Doyle presents inspiring stories of 17 key figures in the largest Protestant missionary society in China.
This book can be regarded as a very comprehensive handbook for travelers to the Holy Land, and it serves both as a reference and a travel guide for those who are visiting the Holy Land.
The theme of this book entitled "Can a Nation be born in a Day?" is about how God restored the nation of Israel in the last days and the roles that Israel will play in God's plan for the end times.
The author will explore the roles of the Jews and the nation of Israel in God's plan for the end times in the Bible, and provide more detailed historical facts about the restoration of the Jews in our generation.
This nine week small group study teaches individuals God's perspective of managing money and possessions. It will provide the practical applications of handling finances, and really gets to the heart of the matter.
Told with candor, self-deprecating humor, and evangelical conviction, this is the story of a person who, recognizing Christ's claim on his life, has devoted his life to serving him.
Relationship-oriented discipleship group to transform life
As a medical missionary, he wholeheartedly dedicated himself to saving and healing souls and curing the bodies of the Chinese.