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In this book, he particularly weaves in such stories and principles, in his trademark "coffee with Uncle Reggie" style. In an easy "chatty" way, often with humor mixed in, he suggests how we might integrate key biblical principles into church ministries. His focus is particularly on the practical work of raising a new generation to serve, with the assumption that preaching and teaching topics are much better covered by numerous other available scholarly writings. 




As I read through the chapters, I smiled as I read them. The style is encouraging and full of energy. Uncle Reggie’s treatment of how he began and maintained a missions emphasis in the church (and especially an Asian-American church) is full of inspiration, exhortation, and very practical tips. Well done! The examples chosen of real people's stories throughout the chapters are powerful. I believe the Lord will use these to stimulate the church for His glory among the nations. Bless you, Reggie! Grace and peace, 

John Shindeldecker 

Author of Peacemaking 


This book is a treasure trove of knowledge and wisdom about children's and youth ministries, from someone who has the experience of loving and caring for children and youth with a Christ-like love for almost 5 decades. But not only that, the book emphasizes important aspects of the type of church in which children should be growing up, a church where there is mentoring, a strong missions emphasis (both at home and abroad), and where church members are continually looking to the Lord in prayer for guidance that is according to His Word. 

Elton Chu 

Senior Pastor 

Alhambra Chinese Christian Center 

Los Angeles, California 








曾振锚是一位专门从事早产儿护理(新生儿科)的医生。他曾在辛辛那提儿童医院医学中心担任新生儿科主任15年。他发表了400多篇科学文章和研究论文,特别专注于婴儿及围产期钙质和营养的研究。1994年,他回应医疗服务使命的呼召,提早退休,与伙伴共同成立了国际医疗服务机构,服事中国西南地区少数民族的农村。2004年,他第二次退休,回到他的母会辛辛那提华人教会(他也是该教会的创会长老),致力参与青年事工。从3岁小孩到70岁长者都亲切地称呼曾教授为“Uncle Reggie(曾叔叔)”,因为他喜欢聊天,又会讲很多他海外旅行的故事。他的飞行里数已达300万英里,教授过10,000教学时数的英语,特别是教导中国乡村的小孩子,又有份带领5,000多人次到中国参与短期海外工作。 

专业认可资历:美国营养学院院长;中西部儿科学会主席;美国儿科学会营养学奖;Bristol Myers营养学奖;辛辛那提儿童医院围产期研究所创办人及执行总监;辛辛那提大学医学院最高学术奖——德雷克奖。整体来说,他是第一位得到如此认可资历的亚裔或华裔美国人。

Copyright Page




1. Children’s Ministry is Our Foundational Treasure

2. Lord, Give Us 100 Children

3. Organizing a Strong Youth Program I: Youth for All Nations

4. Organizing a Strong Youth Program II: YFAN Counselors as Role Models and Leaders

5. Youth Apologetics Ministry: Bunkers or Siege Engines?

6. White Pastor in Chinese Church: The Big White Bridge

7. You’re So Naughty, One Day You Will Be a Minister"

8. The Joy of Mentoring

9. Missions Emphasis in the Church: Start Young

10. Starting a Missions Effort

11. Salt and Light

12. Evangelism as Mission: the CCC Story

13. Decisions, Decisions, Decisions I: There Is a Model

14. Decisions, Decisions, Decisions II: Spirit to Consensus

15. Gentle Words

16. Money Matters

17. The Fun of Starting a New Ministry

18. Critical Mass

19. We Didn't Hire Them, So We Can't Fire Them

About the Author





1. 儿童事工是我们的宝贵根基

2. 主啊,给我们100个孩子

3. 组织强大的青年事工(一):万国青年

4. 组织强大的青年事工(二):作为模范和领袖的万国青年辅导员

5. 青年辨惑学事工:是地堡还是攻城武器?

6. 华人教会里的白人牧师:白色大桥

7. “你这么顽皮,终有一天会成为传道人”

8. 做导师的喜乐

9. 教会宣道的重心——从小开始

10. 开展宣道事工

11. 盐和光

12. 以传福音为使命:辛城教会的故事

13. 决定、决定、决定(一):有一个模式

14. 决定、决定、决定(二):圣灵、合一

15. 柔和的言语

16. 钱很重要

17. 开展新事工的乐趣

18. 临界数量和群聚效应

19. 没雇用,没解雇




电子书格式: 流式ePub

语言文字: 简体中文

字数:110 千字


