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Pilgrim's Progress, authored by John Bunyan, stands as a timeless masterpiece within Christian literature. Through its allegorical narrative, the novel skillfully portrays the various challenges and triumphs of the Christian journey. In the midst of our hectic lives, we often find ourselves unknowingly at a crossroads, and Pilgrim's Progress serves as a poignant reminder of this reality. Moreover, it highlights that the obstacles we face today have also been confronted by past generations, and the temptations we encounter are not unique to us alone. By delving into the accounts of those who have triumphed before us, we gain insight into overcoming these trials. With unwavering hope in heaven and steadfast faith in the Lord Jesus, we discover the means to persevere amidst all forms of adversity. Elder Kwok has written this group study book, Song of a Pilgrim, centering on the themes of Pilgrim's Progress. Its chapters encompass Keep Moving Forward goal, Take Off the Burden, The Journey of Faith, Spiritual Warfare, Arrival at the Heavenly City. Through these topics, Song of a Pilgrim offers a convenient platform for group members to share their personal experiences, encouraging one another to grow and flourish.
Elder Chuck Kwok is Research Professor of International Business at the University of South Carolina. In 2018-2020, he was the President of the Academy of International Business, the premier academic association of International Business in the world. Elder Kwok and his wife Shirley are active on campus ministry. He is frequently invited to lead discipleship training, evangelistic and revival meetings, and mission conferences at various churches around the world. He is currently the Vice-President of Ambassadors for Christ. He has published a series of Discipleship books and DVDs: "Life Influencing Life Discipleship Training", "How to Share Gospel Effectively?", "How to Lead Bible Study Effectively?" and "4S: Leadership Training", "Song of a Pilgrim ", "The Secrets of Spiritual Growth", "Happy Family and Blessed Life", "Disciples at the Workplace", "Cultivating Spiritual Leaders and Coworkers" and "Learning from Jesus: Mission-Driven Leadership". It is intended to help churches equip believers to be God-loving disciples, carrying out the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ. The author can be reached at chuckkwok@yahoo.com.
Course Description
About this course
Course Objectives
How to use this material
Order of Lesson
Course Outline
Lesson 1 Disciple and Discipleship
Lesson 2 The Pilgrim and the Pilgrimage
Lesson 3 Press On—Part One
Lesson 4 Press On—Part Two
Lesson 5 Take Off the Burden—Part One
Lesson 6 Take Off the Burden—Part Two
Lesson 7 The Journey of Faith—Part One
Lesson 8 The Journey of Faith—Part Two
Lesson 9 Spiritual Warfare—Part One
Lesson 10 Spiritual Warfare—Part Two
Lesson 11 Arrival at the Heavenly City—Part One
Lesson 12 Arrival at the Heavenly City—Part Two
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